TruShyne Detailing
Depending on vehicle condition and number of detailers. *There can be additional fees for extra services or if some areas need additional cleaning. *
Cancellation Terms & Conditions
- We require 24-hour notice to cancel any booking detailing service.
- Failure to provide 24-hour advance notice of cancellation will result in a minimum charge of 25% of the service cost.
- Same day appointments that are cancelled will incur a charge of 25% of the service cost. * reserves the right to take full payment if a booking is cancelled on the day without prior agreement. *
- reserves the right to alter or amend a booking time/date without penalty but whoever possible will let the customer know.
- reserves the right to alter a booking or move a booking in accordance to its staff levels, weather conditions, and/or equipment failure without penalty to the company.
- Failure to be present at the time and location of the ordered service will result in the full value of the service being charged.